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Heteropogon aurocinctus Séguy, 1934
Family: AsilidaeGenus: Heteropogon
The following description is a free translation of the Séguy's original description made in 1934.
Source: Séguy, E. 1934. Diptères d'Espagne - étude systématique basée principalement sur les collections formées par le R. P. Longin Navas. Imprensa Editorial Gambón. pp. 30-31.
Non-protruding face, covered by a thick silvery pruinosity; topped with scattered long white setae mixed with few black bristles; epistome bordered with black rigid macrotrichia. Occiput with white and soft vestiture; ocellar callus with black macrotrichia;a transverse row of 6 - 8 black and white setae standing on the occiput between the vertex and the occipital hollow. Black palpi with black bristles except in the base. Black antennae, covered by a gray pruinosity, the first antennal segment with whitish and soft pilosity, it holds the same length as the second antennal segment which has ventrally two long black hairs. The last segment of the antenna is one and half times longer than the two (together) precedent antennal segment. Acute style: short first segment, the second is three times longer than the precedent, and the third segment is sharp.